Monday, December 6, 2010

Update: The Barn - If I could knit myself a full body jumpsuit to stay warm I would

December 6th, 2010
Topic: If I could knit myself a full body jumpsuit to stay warm I would

Along with the barn's over active leaking air conditioning system which results in rain storms inside the building circa the Rain Forest Cafe;

we have a non-existent heating system. In a warehouse with exposed ceilings, no insulation, and random sky lights rather than windows think 1997 Batman & Robin Mr. Freeze's lair.

Rather than fix the heating system ( or check and see if there actually is one ) management's first suggestion is to break all fire codes known to man and stock pile portable electric heaters around the office. Other than a jacket that caught on fire there were no other casualties... Five minutes later the fuse blew and we were heat-less once again...

After 7 failed attempts at crocheting a blanket my mom said to me... "well maybe crocheting is just not your thing." If crocheting is someone's "thing" I will be soliciting applications for those that would like to knit me a full body jumpsuit. Please infer for exact measurements.