Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Picture of the Day

The main drag...
Split, Croatia
June 2008

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Picture of the Day

For all you soccer fanatics out there...
Euro Cup 2008
Bern, Switzerland
June 2008

Monday, June 28, 2010

Picture of the Day

The Karate Kid tree...ok maybe not...
The Grand Canyon
July 2009

Question of the Day...

Why do people say congratulations when someone changes their facebook relationship status to: "in a relationship"???

I Won!!!

I've been selected to be one of the beta contributors for AFAR magazine's new AFAR Connect website


Trip Alert!!!

Well my July looks to be filling up quite fast...

July 5th - July 17th : Kingston, Jamaica
July 20th - July 23rd: Chicago, Illinois
July 25th - July 30th: New Hampshire

If you have any food or entertainment suggestions I'm all ears!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

UPDATE: The Barn...The IP Address...It's what gets me out of bed so early in the morning

The Barn...

What is this you ask? This is the inner workings of the Gov't. The place I call home when I'm not on the road. A place lacking any office functionality yet bursting with mindless dribble that makes you go...what?

June 27th, 2010
Topic: The IP's what gets me out of bed so early in the morning.

Picture of the Day

Old Bridge; Stari Most
Mostar, Bosnia
June 2008
The T.C. Williams High School message board said that it was 106 degrees @ 5:30pm...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Picture of the Day

Frank Lloyd Wright's
Taliesin West
Phoenix, Arizona
July 2009

Thought of the Day...

Why do they have a gumball machine @ the gym???

Friday, June 25, 2010

Picture of the Day

Today was apparently "Take your Dog to Work Day" ... I didn't know this until after I got home from work :(

9 weeks
February 2009

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Picture of the Day

In honor of our dear friend Erin Johnson leaving us for the big OOOOOOhio...

Erin Johnson and her bff Abe Lincoln
Washington DC
Snowstorm #2 February 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Picture of the Day

ok so this one isn't of my travels but he's just too cute not to post...

Paddington Benjamin Wilhelm Schuster III (Paddy)
6 month puppy photoshoot
May 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Book Review: The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World

The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World

By: Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett, Amanda Pressner

Friends Pressner, Baggett, and Corbett were all busy climbing the corporate ladder of Manhattan media when they realized that, in their late twenties, they weren't sure they were heading down the right path. Reprioritizing, they decide on an extreme course of action: quit their jobs and take a year-long trip around the world. In this group memoir, the three take turns chronicling a journey from Peru to Kenya to Vietnam to Australia, and everywhere in between.

The Lost Girls captures the generational struggle so many twentysomethings face as they try to find their way with no clear map.

Pros: fast read, great travel guide, light-hearted, relate-able
Cons: a bit long...can drag on at times, sometimes repetitive, makes you want to quit your job

Picture of the Day

Stan my camel
Desert in Israel
January 2009

Monday, June 21, 2010

Picture of the Day

Murren, Switzerland
June 2008

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Picture of the Day

A different side of Bermuda...

Crystal Caves
St. George, Bermuda
June 2010

Crazy Neighbor Alert!

The first time she appeared was during the snow storm...a threat to throw a chair through my roommate's windshield for "stealing" her non-assigned parking spot at 1am.

Her encore performance came today in this lovely handwritten letter mailed to me...

Re: Environmental Issues

Put your damn paper products in the right recycling container at your end of Belle View.

Also, use cloth bags for Trader Joe's. Don't you give a rats ass about trees and the environment - or are you just dumb and/or lazy?

You represent the majority of greedy americans (or obese capitalists)

Your friend indeed!


A few things I would like to point out:
1. She went through the trash/recycling bins in the neighborhood. gross
2. She MAILED a PAPER letter about killing trees and the environment. ironic?
3. She is angry that I am recycling my trader joe's paper bags
4. If she is so concerned about my weight after digging through my recycled frozen food containers she should offer to cook for me.

It's Official...

I scored big in Bermuda... 92% freckle increase was announced by the judges today...too bad the second we hit port in NJ they all went away...another mark against the armpit of America.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Picture of the Day

Granville Island
Vancouver, BC
April 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Photography as Art

So as some of you know all the art that hangs in my place is photography taken by me. It's about time to branch out. I have been on the search for some great artists and here are just a few that I have found...

FPOE (Female Photographer's of Etsy) 100's of great female photographers
Depuis (Mina Georgescu's Photography)
Elle Moss Photography
Heather Evan Smith
Alicia Bock
The Photo Zoo
Jenni Penni
Futuro Woman
Sharon Montrose
Pamela Klaffke
Match Stick Girl

Picture of the Day

Olympic Rings & Water Planes
Vancouver, British Columbia
April 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1990's Flashback

I just saw a man on a car phone...that's right a car phone. not a cell phone being used in the car. not a blue-tooth phone speaking through the car speakers but a true Zach Morris-curly cue cord-car phone. CLASSIC!

Trip Alert!!!

A cruise to Bremuda with the family, some celebratory Independence Day festivities here in the states, and then off to Kingston, Jamaica for 12 days for work! Maybe a little island hopping after???

Picture of the Day

Wild Monkey's...are not nice...
San Salvador, El Salvador
January 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Picture of the Day

Tuscany, Italy
June 2008

Monday, June 7, 2010

UPDATE: The Barn

The Barn...

What is this you ask? This is the inner workings of the Gov't. The place I call home when I'm not on the road. A place lacking any office functionality yet bursting with mindless dribble that makes you go...what?

June 7th, 2010

Topic: The Printer...who knew the barn was where printer's go to die.

Picture of the Day

Dubrovnik, Croatia
June 2008

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Website Alert: AFAR

One of my new favorite magazines has to be AFAR. A travel magazine written by travelers for travelers. AFAR takes the idea of getting "out of your comfort zone," delving beneath the surface, and connecting to real places and real people to another level. Readers are those that want to immerse themselves in other cultures, to engage with local people, and to enrich their own lives. The magazine is a light read full of travelers tales that you will never want to throw away. The website digs deeper and is a forum for readers' to communicate with other like-minded individuals wanting a true exploratory experience. Happy Trails!

Picture of the Day

Repelling down La Bufa
Guanajuato, Mexico
January 2005

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tunnel to Cinque Terre, Italy
June 2008

Picture of the Day

Old Chocolate Factory
Bern Switzerland
June 2008

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Book Review: Three Cups of Tea

What is that saying..."If you are given lemons make some lemonade?"

Well long hours in the airport and tight quarters on a plane are not so fun but they do give me the opportunity to have prime reading time. This past month's book was Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson.

Three Cups of Tea is an inspirational true story of one man's efforts to address poverty, educate children, and overcome cultural divides. I pondered reading this book for quite a while now. I have always loved true stories whether I am reading a book or watching a movie; there is just this added "feel-good" element to the characters and plot. But was the plot too heavy for a summer read? Was this just another man's attempt to try and expose the complex and convoluted inner workings of the Middle East?

After much debate (and having it be the month's selection for book club) I chose to flip open to page one and give it a go...

I'm not going to lie, the first 3 chapters were painful. I was lost...I was confused...I was frustrated. This was exactly the type of book I was afraid Three Cups of Tea was going to be. Mortenson had his readers going in all different directions with no real plot line in sight. More characters, villages, and emotions to even count, the overall mood seemed to be that of preaching. What was the point of this story again?

Almost about to give up I trekked on after my friend Jennilyn said she finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel and began reading chapter 4. Chapter 4 to the conclusion, although dragged on at times, truly was inspirational. I couldn't put it down. That's the catch 22 with the story still true if you cut out some of the boring details? It's not as if Mortenson could say in one simple line "No one wanted to donate funds. It took me months to raise even a single penny." He had to explain his struggle so his readers would better understand the hardships faced. Mortenson's journey appears to finally plateau when all of a sudden the biggest obstacle of them all occurs.

The plot thickens about half way through the book with the events of September 11th, 2001. At this point it is apparent to the reader how peoples' attitudes change and how new prejudice arise. At the same time Mortenson embarks on a new journey into Afghanistan where he is met with even more distrust and cultural divide. You begin to worry if Mortenson is just going to replay the same trials and tribulations you spent the first half of the book immersing yourself in when you are pleasantly surprised to see he directs us down a path that most readers would not have thought to venture down on their own.

Overall I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. The slow beginning and lack of literary structure is a common pitfall of non-fiction writing. It is however, this same element that turns me on to true stories and keeps me coming back for more. Not only does Mortenson inspire his readers through his self-less lifestyle devoted to the betterment of others, but he also tries to break down common prejudice towards the Middle East. A must read for all ages.

Next month's book: The Lost Girls: Three Friends. Four Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World by Jennifer Baggett, Holly Corbett, and Amanda Pressner

Picture of the Day

Miguel Angel Ramirez Art Gallery for troubled teens
San Salvador, El Salvador
January 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Picture of the Day

It's so hot out and it's only June. I wouldn't mind another Canyoning adventure.

Canyoning, Interlaken Switzerland June 2008

The Barn

I've added a little section I like to call "The Barn"

As I mention on the page, this is the inner workings of the Gov't. The place I call home when I'm not on the road. A place lacking any office functionality yet bursting with mindless dribble that makes you go...what?

Today's Post: The Fax Machine...

Website Alert: Apartment Therapy

People always ask what I do when I'm not traveling... Well I fully admit I have an impulse shopping problem that has been exacerbated by the world wide web. And then I have friends like Erica who introduce me to websites such as Apartment Therapy. Therapy you say?

Yes...and the best possible kind. Endless home tours of the most amazing "small spaces" around the country, hot upcoming home goods sales around town, scavenger hunts through Craig's-lists ads for hidden gems.

Check it out. You won't regret it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Most memorable...

The Western Wall, Israel
- January 2009

... The Past ...

People have always asked me about my travels...where I have been, what I have seen, experienced, learned, loved. Where I want to return...where I still want to go. Never having been much of a word-smith I find it hard at times to describe how my trips have affected my life.

I hope to give people a glimpse into my world... one photo at a time...