Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Guest Spot: Jared Krieger; The Bachelor Party

A Bachelor Party in Albany, NY through the eyes of Jared...

2.5 hr flight delay, shuttle to another terminal, door operated by a transvestite who wanted my shit, guy getting dragged off the plane by cops, Duffy's taxi, Lime green taxi, possible cab line riot, dropping off nice lady from VA at her parents house, dropping off Mexicans in Saratoga. Getting lost in lime green taxi, stopping to complete crystal meth transaction, car driving away with gas pump still in car, arriving at 2:30 am in Albany....drinking until 3am, golf at 6am.... AM flight home gets delayed 2 hrs, celebrating delayed flight due to worst hangover in a long time, flight delayed 1 hour, flight canceled, one flight to DC left, flight overbooked, standby on flight to Philadelphia, overbooked, wait in airport, wait in airport, standby on flight to NY, overbooked, fly to LGA, propeller plane from 1975, fly to DC, pass out...still hungover.

Best weekend ever.

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